
Conduit is configured using a TOML file. The configuration file is loaded from the path specified by the CONDUIT_CONFIG environment variable.

Note: The configuration file is required to run Conduit. If the CONDUIT_CONFIG environment variable is not set, Conduit will exit with an error.

Note: If you update the configuration file, you must restart Conduit for the changes to take effect

Note: You can also configure Conduit by using CONDUIT_{field_name} environment variables. To set values inside a table, use CONDUIT_{table_name}_{field_name}. Example: CONDUIT_WELL_KNOWN_CLIENT=""

Conduit's configuration file is divided into the following sections:


The global section contains the following fields:

Note: The * symbol indicates that the field is required, and the values in parentheses are the possible values

addressstringThe address to bind to""
portintegerThe port to bind to8000
tlstableSee the TLS configurationN/A
server_name*stringThe server nameN/A
database_backend*stringThe database backend to use ("rocksdb" recommended, "sqlite")N/A
database_path*stringThe path to the database file/dirN/A
db_cache_capacity_mbfloatThe cache capacity, in MB300.0
enable_lightning_boltbooleanAdd ⚡️ emoji to end of user's display nametrue
allow_check_for_updatesbooleanAllow Conduit to check for updatestrue
conduit_cache_capacity_modifierfloatThe value to multiply the default cache capacity by1.0
rocksdb_max_open_filesintegerThe maximum number of open files1000
pdu_cache_capacityintegerThe maximum number of Persisted Data Units (PDUs) to cache150000
cleanup_second_intervalintegerHow often conduit should clean up the database, in seconds60
max_request_sizeintegerThe maximum request size, in bytes20971520 (20 MiB)
max_concurrent_requestsintegerThe maximum number of concurrent requests100
max_fetch_prev_eventsintegerThe maximum number of previous events to fetch per request if conduit notices events are missing100
allow_registrationbooleanOpens your homeserver to public registrationfalse
registration_tokenstringThe token users need to have when registering to your homeserverN/A
allow_encryptionbooleanAllow users to enable encryption in their roomstrue
allow_federationbooleanAllow federation with other serverstrue
allow_room_creationbooleanAllow users to create roomstrue
allow_unstable_room_versionsbooleanAllow users to create and join rooms with unstable versionstrue
default_room_versionstringThe default room version ("6"-"10")"10"
allow_jaegerbooleanAllow Jaeger tracingfalse
tracing_flamebooleanEnable flame tracingfalse
proxytableSee the Proxy configurationN/A
jwt_secretstringThe secret used in the JWT to enable JWT login without it a 400 error will be returnedN/A
trusted_serversarrayThe list of trusted servers to gather public keys of offline servers[""]
logstringThe log verbosity to use"warn"
turn_usernamestringThe TURN username""
turn_passwordstringThe TURN password""
turn_urisarrayThe TURN URIs[]
turn_secretstringThe TURN secret""
turn_ttlintegerThe TURN TTL in seconds86400
emergency_passwordstringSet a password to login as the conduit user in case of emergencyN/A
well_knowntableUsed for delegationSee delegation


The tls table contains the following fields:

  • certs: The path to the public PEM certificate
  • key: The path to the PEM private key


certs = "/path/to/cert.pem"
key = "/path/to/key.pem"


You can choose what requests conduit should proxy (if any). The proxy table contains the following fields


The global option will proxy all outgoing requests. The global table contains the following fields:

  • url: The URL of the proxy server
url = ""

By domain

An array of tables that contain the following fields:

  • url: The URL of the proxy server
  • include: Domains that should be proxied (assumed to be ["*"] if unset)
  • exclude: Domains that should not be proxied (takes precedent over include)

Both include and exclude allow for glob pattern matching.


In this example, all requests to domains ending in .onion and will be proxied via socks://localhost:9050, except for domains ending in .myspecial.onion. You can add as many by_domain tables as you need.

url = "socks5://localhost:9050"
include = ["*.onion", ""]
exclude = ["*.clearnet.onion"]


Note: The following example is a minimal configuration file. You should replace the values with your own.

#server_name = ""

database_backend = "rocksdb"
# This is the only directory where Conduit will save its data
database_path = "/var/lib/matrix-conduit/"

# The port Conduit will be running on. You need to set up a reverse proxy in
# your web server (e.g. apache or nginx), so all requests to /_matrix on port
# 443 and 8448 will be forwarded to the Conduit instance running on this port
# Docker users: Don't change this, you'll need to map an external port to this.
port = 6167

# Max size for uploads
max_request_size = 20_000_000 # in bytes

# Enables registration. If set to false, no users can register on this server.
allow_registration = true

# A static registration token that new users will have to provide when creating
# an account. YOU NEED TO EDIT THIS.
# - Insert a password that users will have to enter on registration
# - Start the line with '#' to remove the condition
registration_token = ""

allow_check_for_updates = true
allow_federation = true

# Enable the display name lightning bolt on registration.
enable_lightning_bolt = true

# Servers listed here will be used to gather public keys of other servers.
# Generally, copying this exactly should be enough. (Currently, Conduit doesn't
# support batched key requests, so this list should only contain Synapse
# servers.)
trusted_servers = [""]

#max_concurrent_requests = 100 # How many requests Conduit sends to other servers at the same time

# Controls the log verbosity. See also [here][0].
# [0]:
#log = "..."

address = "" # This makes sure Conduit can only be reached using the reverse proxy
#address = "" # If Conduit is running in a container, make sure the reverse proxy (ie. Traefik) can reach it.

# Conduit handles the /.well-known/matrix/* endpoints, making both clients and servers try to access conduit with the host
# server_name and port 443 by default.
# If you want to override these defaults, uncomment and edit the following lines accordingly:
#server =
#client =